coded by ^Sammy-Chip^

Monday, June 20, 2011

cp mission guides | Case Of The Missing Puffles

i will be posting some mission guides but to start with here is a guide for mission 1/case of the missing puffles

1. Speak to Aunt Arctic, tell her you’ll find the Puffles.
2. Go to the Ice Rink, on the right you’ll find photo’s. Pick them up.
Case of the Missing Puffles
3. Go to Aunt Arctic’s igloo and give the pictures to Aunt Arctic.
4. Go to the Pet Shop and to the left you’ll find a note on the Puffle Houses. Use the “CODE” on the bottom-right of the screen to decode the third and fourth words. It’s the number you need to give G. (Tip: It’s easier if you write it down on paper rather than try to remember it)
Case of the Missing Puffles
5. Go to the Sport’s Shop and give G the number you decoded. He will give you access to hisspecial items. Take the Preserver Launcher and go to the Iceberg.
Case of the Missing Puffles
6. Go to the Iceberg and use the Preserver Launcher to save the Puffles that are stranded on another iceberg. Careful of the wind making it more difficult.
Case of the Missing Puffles
7. Go to the Mountain and speak to the crying Penguin.
8. Open your spy phone and click on the red light. Use your wrench to fix the crying Penguin’s telescope. Look through his telescope and scroll left. You’ll see a green puffle flying around the top of the tallest mountain.
9. Go back to G and get the grappling hook. Go to the Tallest Mountain on the map and use the grappling hook to climb to the top.
Case of the Missing Puffles
10. You’ll find the penguins. Return to Aunt Arctic and redeem your medal and a letter from Aunt Arctic thanking you for finding her Puffles.
thanks for using this i hoped it helped you waddle on!

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